P3.express Blog

Preparation for P3.express certification: Anastasia Romanova's experience

My name is Anastasia Romanova.

At present I am a Project Lead at an international marketing and advertising company, Publicis Groupe. I mainly focus on improving project management within the company, systematizing and structuring the processes. Particularly, on creating a project management academy, training, mentoring colleagues and managing strategic projects.

I’ve been working in project management for about 7 years.

During my career, I have held the positions of Senior Strategic Project Manager at  Lamoda and IT Project Manager at O'KEY hypermarket chain, while I started as an ordinary coordinator.

I first got familiar with P3.express in 2019, when I worked at Lamoda. I completed an online course and used a lot of the theory in real-case scenarios, and also mentored other colleagues in the context of P3.express principles.

I did not think about certification before, but present-day realities made it clear that it is worth looking towards vacancies in the western world and relocation. In Europe, certificates are highly appreciated, and P3.express is known there, so I wanted to "certify" my knowledge, get a document, and at the same time refresh my memory about P3.express and NUPP.

It took me about 10 hours to get ready â€” I used the Artophile Center Project simulator, passed the practice exam 3 times (50 minutes for 35 questions), read the materials if I did not know how to answer the questions in the practice exam.

Plus the exam itself â€” 100 minutes for 70 questions.

The exam includes questions on both P3.express itself (series of activities, documentation, understanding definitions) and logical questions on NUPP that test your line of thinking.

Using the simulator was one of the most useful preparation methods for me â€” it gives a very good base, especially if you have completed the course before it.

The practice exam was also very helpful, as it provides new insights into the kinds of questions used at the test, as well as explanations for each question, which also helps to fill gaps in theory.

The main recommendation is to take the exam in a calm atmosphere and with a fresh mind). The questions are not difficult, especially for practicing project managers, but you need to be attentive.

2022-07-15 19:28