P3.express Practitioner: Online Certification

Take an official exam and receive an international project management certificate.
Certification can be paid via credit card or the company’s current account.


Certification by the framework’s authors
There are no entry requirements for getting a certificate
The P3.express certificate is valid for a lifetime
Testing in English with automatic translation of the questions

What Is P3.express?

P3.express is a minimalist project management framework. The framework was developed in Europe. In 2020, it received the support of the European Union.
Today, dozens of specialists around the world help develop the framework. And dozens of companies use it as a basis for managing their projects.
In March 2022, the P3.express team released the P3.express Practitioner online certification. It is now also available with our online-course.
Certificates are valid for life, but they refer to the year of issuance. A 2023 certificate will be relevant in 2024, but in 2028, it would be better to refresh your knowledge and get a new certificate.


What Is P3.express Practitioner?
P3.express Practitioner is a status confirming that you are proficient in the framework and are able to effectively manage any projects. The purpose of certification is to confirm the level of knowledge required to manage real projects.

How Is Online Certification Conducted?

The P3.express Practitioner exam is conducted in the multiple-choice test format. There will be 70 questions and a 100-minute time limit
To pass the exam, you need a score of 67% or higher
The exam language is English
The exam has a language assistance function that automatically translates questions into any language
You can use the P3.express manual during the exam
The exam is conducted on the CertN platform
Check out the sample questions in the P3.express Practitioner exam demo version: 12 questions with an 18-minute time limit
Three Steps to Get an International Certificate
Pass independent testing and get the P3.express Practitioner Certificate from the framework authors.
Pay for the exam in the most convenient way: via credit card on the website or with your company’s current account
You will receive the exam code to start the exam within 1−2 days by email and activate it on the website — certn.global
After activating the voucher, you can proceed to the certification or take training exams
Project Management with the P3.express Course
Take the P3.express course and learn how to launch projects step by step and get them finished.
35 video lectures, 35 tests, and 7 assignments
a couple of months for a relaxed studying process
50+ useful links, checklists, and templates
study at a convenient time and from any device
Master P3.express from scratch
The course can be paid via credit card or with the company’s current account.


After the training, you will receive a certificate of completion, and then you will be able to take an independent exam in English and get an international P3.express Practitioner certificate

What Certificate Owners Say

Anastasia Romanova
Publicis Groupe Project Manager
I did not think about certification before, but the current reality has made me realise that it’s worth looking into western job opportunities and relocation.
Certificates are valued in Europe, and P3.express is known there, so I wanted to "certify" my knowledge, get a reliable certificate, and, at the same time, refresh my memory of P3.express and NUPP.
Mikhail Belov
Methodologist, portfolio manager
I recently managed to pass the P3.express Practitioner certification. This is not my first certification, but it gives me no less pleasure than the others.
In general, I suggest P3.express when people have no experience, when there is no project management system in the company, or when things are not working.
And I recommend P3.express to everyone — as a universal, simple, and useful thing.
Simple, correct, and easy to understand.
Express 42 Project Coordinator
And considering that I was preparing for the exam when the world and external processes had already changed a lot, I was once again convinced of the framework’s perfect flexibility.
Albina Kuznetsova
Of course, my inner impostor has fallen silent, because now I have the proof of my knowledge and practical skills.
The accompanying article on this certification recommends taking it annually, although it is valid for life. I am usually skeptical of such advice. But during the exam preparation, I was able to take a new look at the project management process in my company.

P3.express Practitioner
Exam Voucher

P3.express Bundle:
Course + Exam Voucher

29000,00 RSD
100000,00 RSD
Access to the P3.express course for 1 year
The voucher to start the exam is valid for 1 year
#certification #course
The voucher includes one attempt for the official exam and 12 practice exams
Exam is in English
The voucher includes one attempt for the official exam and 12 practice exams
The voucher to start the exam is valid for 1 year
Exam & course are in English
≈ €250
The final amount may vary depending on the exchange rate of your bank on the day of the operation
≈ €855
The final amount may vary depending on the exchange rate of your bank on the day of the operation